October 28

‘Divergent’ by Veronica Roth

divergentDauntless. Candor. Erudite. Amity. Abnegation. One choice defines and determines everything; one choice can transform or destroy you…forever.. Do you like books that keep you reading 24/7? Then Veronica Roth’s Divergent is the choice for you!


In the dystopian Chicago world that sixteen-year-old Beatrice Prior calls home, she could not foresee how drastically her life would change — from just one decision. Nothing could prepare her for the Aptitude tests and the annual Choosing Ceremony, nor could any psychic predict her future path. It was at the Choosing Ceremony where Beatrice, her brother Caleb and their peers had to make their formidable decision to either stay with their families in their current faction, or leave, betray their family, and go to any of the other remaining factions. But Beatrice also had a secret, one that she had kept hidden from everyone because she had been warned that it could mean death — Beatrice also learned that this secret might help her save the ones she loves…or it might destroy her.  There are numerous characters in this truly epic story; the main characters being Beatrice Prior and Four.

     In the dystopian world of Divergent, society is divided into five “factions” or basically five different paradigms of thinking which are dedicated to the improvement of a particular virtue in order to create a ‘perfect society’: Abnegation (the selfless), Dauntless (the Brave), Candor (the Honest), Amity (the Peaceful), and Erudite (the Intelligent). The members of each faction must live according to their faction’s virtue — or they risk becoming factionless (homeless and poor). This book has it all: electrifying decisions, stunning consequences, heartbreaking betrayals, unexpected romance and dramatic twists.

      I thoroughly enjoyed the book Divergent as it has a terrific storyline and wonderful scenery. I couldn’t help being glued to the book and just sitting there reading for hours on end because of the amazing descriptive language that the author, Veronica Roth, used for the characters and scenery of the book. This also made it easier for me to imagine the scenes in my head. The story progressed very smoothly, with perfectly timed suspense and twists to always keep my full attention. I also loved the way Veronica merged reality with wonder. For example, she merged human activities and traits such as hair-trimming and curiosity with wondrous aspects such as “Factions,” and “Aptitude,” to introduce you to this new world. This story also helped me realise that choices really are pivotal in our lives and that some point in our lives, we all have to make the decision whether to continue living the way we were raised, or to listen to our own heart and make our own way.

      This book has been read and recognised by many famous authors, such as Kiersten White (New York Times Bestselling Author of ‘Paranormalcy’), who said, “Well written and brilliantly executed, Divergent is a heart-pounding debut that cannot be missed. It’s dystopian fiction at its best!”

      Which faction would you choose? Abnegation, the selfless, Dauntless the Brave, Candor the Honest, Amity the Peaceful, or Erudite the Intelligent? Whichever one you choose is entirely up to you, but just remember that one choice can transform or destroy you!

      I absolutely loved this book and I can’t wait to read the next two of the trilogy. I highly recommend this book to absolutely anyone from the age of thirteen up, who loves to read thrilling, heart pounding, exciting novels, but also doesn’t mind romance. Divergent is a thrilling adventurous dystopian story which I, along with countless others, loved and I’m sure you will too. This book is truly one of the best books I have ever read; therefore I rate Divergent 5 out of 5 stars!

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Posted October 28, 2013 by marjk in category Adventure stories, Dystopian fiction, Student Reviews

About the Author

Teacher-librarian at Aquinas College, Southport, Gold Coast, Australia

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